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Gati Shakti: NITI Aayog told to map all industrial activities.
Jul 11, 2022

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday asked NITI Aayog to prepare a report mapping all mega industrial activities such as corridors, logistics parks and pharma hubs in order to incorporate them under the PM Gati Shakti initiative of the government.
'I would like the NITI Aayog to map all this (industrial corridors, freight corridors, defence corridors, manufacturing zones, textile parks, logistics parks, medical and pharma hubs). Map it all and tell us where you see a possibility for bringing them under the PM Gati Shakti,' the minister said.
Sitharaman was speaking at the first meeting of the Apex Monitoring Authority for the National Industrial Corridor Development Programme though the PM’s Gati Shakti programme for multi-modal connectivity was in October last year.
