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G20 MACS: India, France keen on promoting millets, natural farming.
Apr 19, 2023

The second day of G20 MACS (Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists) witnessed deliberations on 'digital agriculture and sustainable agri value chain' and 'public-private partnership in agricultural research' between delegations of India and France, in Varanasi on Tuesday.
According to an official communiqué, one of the sessions discussed India’s Millets and Other Ancient Grains International Research Initiative (MAHARISHI) initiative. Representatives from the G20 countries and international organisations supported the initiative by stating that international research cooperation was pivotal for the promotion and adoption of millets.
Dr Himanshu Pathak, secretary of the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, and Philippe Mauguin, chair and CEO of France’s INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment) led their respective delegations in the bilateral meeting between India and France.
Both countries expressed keen interest in cooperation in the areas of climate change, crop diversification, soil and water conservation, natural farming, and biofortified crops.
The discussion on 'digital agriculture' was led by Dr. Pathak.
Earlier, in a bilateral meeting with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Dr Pathak emphasised that the extension service through Krishi Vigyan Kendras to farmers would be a key area for cooperation.
FAO’s Dr. Ishmahane Elouafi (chief scientist) and Dr Selvaraju Ramasamy (senior agriculture officer) recognized India’s strength in the seed sector.
The delegates also visited Saranath to witness a light and sound show in the evening. About 80 foreign delegates from G20 member states, international organizations and special Invitees are participating in the meeting.
Public-private alliance can strengthen agri sector: Expert
'Public-private partnerships have emerged as an effective way to address the challenges in agriculture. These partnerships can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of research and development by combining the strengths and resources of both the sectors,' observed Dr Jean Balié, the director general, of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines.
Dr Balie was speaking at a session during the G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) in Varanasi on the second day of the three-day event on Tuesday. The meeting discussed the conditions, gaps, best practices, and opportunities for effective public-private partnerships in agricultural research and development.
Dr Balié drew the guests’ attention to IRRI’s efforts and experiences in generating innovations and accelerating impact.
'Private sector involvement can provide the necessary funding and expertise to develop, commercialise, and scale new technologies and innovations. Moreover, partnerships can promote knowledge sharing and capacity building, thus enhancing the overall productivity and sustainability of the agricultural sector,' he added.
IRRI works toward finding solutions for the world’s biggest challenges and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
