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Agri-food trade with the US up 16%.
Aug 22, 2022

total agri-food trade between Mexico You State got included in There was an increase of 16 per cent from January to June 2022 as compared to the same period last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reported (Sadar) the exchange added 37 thousand 639 million dollars.
dependency federal They highlighted that the value of exports of Mexican agri-food products increased by 18 percent and imports increased by 13 percent over the reference period.
Thus, a surplus balance was presented for Mexico 10 thousand 100 million dollars. This means an increase of 24 per cent over the registered surplus during the same period of 2021.
Sadar stated that the main product agricultural food exports were fruit, alcoholic beverages such as beerYou shakeras well as vegetables, which represent 27, 24 and 20 percent respectively sales agricultural food From Mexico to neighboring countries to the north.
Meanwhile, during that period, the main import products were cereals, Seed You oilseeds You meat and food offal, which represent 27, 14 and 13 percent, respectively, of Mexican agri-food purchases. State got included in,
The total value of the main import products from State got included in 13 thousand 769 million dollars, noted Sadar, The main export products were led beer,
Tomato sales were also special Jamun (Raspberry and Blackberry), specifies a dependency. finally Sadar He said that over the said period, tequila exports grew by 55 percent annually; boneless beef28 percent; avocado27 percent more bread sweetwith the same percentage.
