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APEDA Expands Export Reach with Focus on ODOP and GI Products.
Feb 22, 2024

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has been actively engaged in boosting the export of its Scheduled products to newer destinations, marking a significant step in diversifying India's agricultural export portfolio. With a targeted approach, APEDA is amplifying its efforts towards promoting products under the One District One Product (ODOP) and Geographical Indication (GI) categories while sourcing exports from non-traditional areas/states.
Expanding Export Footprint
As of the latest data, APEDA's scheduled products have found their way into markets spanning over 203 countries/territories worldwide, indicating a substantial global presence. APEDA has coordinated more than 27 flag-offs of export shipments in the current fiscal year in an effort to expand its reach even further. This is an example of the organization's proactive strategy to developing trade ties and breaking into new markets.
Capacity Building and Market Access
In a concerted effort to empower Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), APEDA is actively involved in capacity-building initiatives recognizing them as vital stakeholders in the agricultural supply chain. By providing tailored support and guidance, APEDA has facilitated the transformation of 119 FPOs/FPCs into exporters over five years. This strategic move not only strengthens the position of FPOs in the export landscape but also ensures efficient market access for farmers, thus fostering sustainable agricultural practices.
Proactive Export Initiatives
In collaboration with the Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH), APEDA has embarked on a proactive initiative to develop sea protocols customized for the export of fresh produce to distant markets. This initiative is set to optimize the export process for promising fresh fruits, aiming to streamline transportation logistics and reduce associated costs.
As part of the pilot program, trial shipments of mangoes and pomegranates to the USA and the European Union are underway, showcasing India's commitment to meeting stringent international quality standards. Noteworthy achievements include the successful shipment of bananas to the Netherlands and Russia via sea routes, underscoring the efficacy of the sea protocols in facilitating exports of perishable items.
