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Higher demand for Alphonso mangoes in US markets surprises exporters.
Apr 29, 2022

In the current year, exporters have reported greater demand for Alphonso mangoes, compared to the traditional Kesar, in American markets. This is the first time American markets have a greater demand for Alphonso, said exporters.
Mango export to US markets has increased steadily, from 80 tonnes in 2007-08 to 1,300 tonnes before the pandemic hit.
This year, however, exporters say they are pleasantly surprised by the reception Indian mangoes have received. At the start of the season, most exporters said they were wary about the market given the pandemic-induced break and the high freight charges. Air freight charges are currently as high as Rs 520-550/kg, compared to the earlier Rs 200-225/kg.
Kaushal Khakhar, CEO of Kay Bee exporters, the largest fruits and vegetables exporter of the country, confirmed that demand from the US market was robust. 'At the start of the season, we were apprehensive and so export volumes were lower than usual. However, US consumers lapped up the mangoes which went from India, and we have increased exports now,' he said.
This year, Alphonso seems to be a bigger hit with end consumers. 'We are also surprised, given Alphonso is the hardest to treat. Mostly, it is the sturdy Kesar which finds favour with exporters and consumers,' he said. Kesar is a favourite for exporters, given its longer shelf life and sturdy nature.
Alphonso has a thinner peel, thus making it more difficult to treat. Of the nearly 1.5 crore mangoes harvested annually, India ships out around 1 lakh mangoes. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are the major mango exporting states.
