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Major Importing Countries of Dairy Products
Source : COMTRADE, United Nations
  Year : 2022  
Importing Countries of Dairy Products from Turkey
Quantity in MT
Value in US$ Mill.
Sr No.CountryQtyValue
1 Egypt A Rp 21,736.0075.00
2 U Arab Emts 13,085.0033.00
3 Kuwait 8,637.0024.00
4 Jordan 3,575.0017.00
5 Morocco 3,398.0014.00
6 U S A 1,491.0014.00
7 Singapore 3,991.0013.00
8 China P Rp 5,221.0013.00
9 Azerbaijan 3,722.0012.00
10 Qatar 2,655.0011.00
 Page Total67,511.00226.00
Page of 8Record 1 to 10 of 77
Source : COMTRADE, United Nations