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Major Importing Countries of Jaggery & Confectionery
Source : COMTRADE, United Nations
  Year : 2022  
Importing Countries of Jaggery & Confectionery from Guatemala
Quantity in MT
Value in US$ Mill.
Sr No.CountryQtyValue
1 U S A 198,528.00123.00
2 Other Asia, Nes 166.0074.00
3 Canada 113,801.0053.00
4 China P Rp 107,100.0050.00
5 Peru 48,917.0031.00
6 Mexico 12,490.0020.00
7 Dominic Rep 6,458.0013.00
8 Spain 25,862.0012.00
9 U K 22,585.0010.00
10 Congo D. Rep. 37,340.008.00
 Page Total573,247.00394.00
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Source : COMTRADE, United Nations