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Product Profile
Major Importing Countries of Cocoa Products
Source : COMTRADE, United Nations
  Year : 2022  
Importing Countries of Cocoa Products from Lithuania
Quantity in MT
Value in US$ Mill.
Sr No.CountryQtyValue
1 Latvia 4,981.0026.00
2 U K 4,691.0021.00
3 Sweden 4,579.0018.00
4 Norway 3,110.0013.00
5 Germany 1,417.009.00
6 Poland 1,342.007.00
7 France 1,203.005.00
8 Estonia 739.004.00
9 Czech Republic 666.004.00
10 Belgium 525.002.00
 Page Total23,253.00109.00
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Source : COMTRADE, United Nations