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Exporting Countries of Dairy Products
Source : COMTRADE, United Nations
  Year : 2022  
Exporting Countries of Dairy Products to Egypt A Rp
Quantity in MT
Value in US$ Mill.
Sr No.CountryQtyValue
1 New Zealand 35,145.00189.00
2 Turkey 21,736.0075.00
3 France 17,175.0063.00
4 U S A 16,639.0058.00
5 Canada 15,815.0051.00
6 Germany 11,636.0043.00
7 Ireland 5,408.0032.00
8 Uruguay 4,611.0025.00
9 U K 5,779.0023.00
10 Netherland 4,614.0022.00
 Page Total277,116.001,162.00
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Source : COMTRADE, United Nations